8 september 2022
- From lab to practice: relevante eindwerken van studenten aan u voorgesteld
- Exploration of foot and lower limb biomechanical patterns in cycling (Tibo Sillen – Alexander Dury)
- A step forward in walking pattern by using an inverse kinematic alignment instead of a mechanical alignment in total knee arthroplasty. (Robbe Knockaert – Siemen Claeys)
- Functional and clinical analysis of lateral extra-articular tenodesis on anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and its effect on return-to-sport criteria. (Thomas Vandenbussche en Tom Loosveldt)
- fluence of voluntary body movements on masseter EMG activity during teeth clenching in healthy subjects (Manon Declercq) In
- Effect van vrijwillige bewegingen op masseter EMG activiteit tijdens tandklemmen (Arnoux Delaruelle)
- 8 september 2022
- 20:00 tot 22:00
- Campus KU Leuven campus Brugge
- Higher satisfaction after total knee arthroplasty using restricted inverse kinematic alignment compared to adjusted mechanical alignment
- Epidemiology, clinical characteristics and severity of gradual onset injuries in recreational road cyclists: A cross-sectional study in 21,824 cyclists - SAFER XIII